Interns return to South Africa after a month of immersive learning

[April 24, 2023] In the past few weeks, Teach With Africa welcomed four interns from CapeTown, South Africa accompanied by Hassiena Marriott, the Head of Education with the  Global Teachers Institute. Teach With Africa’s Educators’ Exchange Program, in collaboration with Flora Mugambi-Mutunga, TWA’s Senior Community and Education Consultant, and The Global Teachers Institute sponsored this […]

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We are filled with gratitude for your continued support of Teach with Africa. With your help, we are continuing to make a profound impact on education in South Africa: 94% of LEAP township students pass the High School Matriculation Test vs only 28% of non-LEAP students Please watch this short clip of Alum Cedusizi Mthethwa, sharing his gratitude for […]

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A Visit to the LEAP School in Langa Township

By the time I finally walked through the doors of the LEAP School for Science and Maths in Langa Township in Cape Town last summer, I had been hearing about the school for twelve years.  Through my involvement with Teach With Africa, I had learned that the personal, social and economic losses, created by the gross inequities in math and science education enshrined by law under apartheid, are incalculable, even to this day.  

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