We are thrilled to catch up with two teachers for our Spring spotlight who were a part of the Teach With Africa exchange. They are doing great things, and we are excited to share what they are up to. Meet Bongisa Makutu.

My name is Bongisa Makutu, a 31-year-old mother to two wonderful girls. I am a Leap Science and Math School 2 Alumni. My current occupation is a Field Ranger at South African National Parks (Camdeboo National Park).
I was a student at Leap 2 Maths And Science and I completed grade 12 in 2009. In 2010 I was fortunate to be part of the Future Leaders Team through Teach With Africa that visited San Francisco, CA.
same challenges in the schools and communities regardless of their country of origin; it is imperative to share these struggles in order to come up with ideas and solutions on a global level and as a global citizen.
I am enrolled at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) for a Nature Conservation course. Nature Conservation has made my mindset shift into a realization that it is important to look after the environment, natural resources that are a gift from mother nature.
It is now my duty as an Environmentalist to protect and conserve our biodiversity and most importantly educate my community. I am currently working together with Leap School on a concept of Leap Living Learning Labs- the concept enables learners to take the classroom beyond the classroom walls to mastery of subjects and to sensitize learners to the expanding range of investigative possibilities in an environment that may be technologically poor.